The Lehman Trilogy

Recommended Don't Miss
Multiple dates between April 27 - May 19, various times
ACT - A Contemporary Theatre Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$50 - $89
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When I asked my play-obsessed friend in New York about The Lehman Trilogy, he responded "I've heard it's quite good. It's veryyy long." He's not wrong, considering the show won five (!) Tonys in 2022 (Best Play, Best Actor, Best Direction, Best Scenic and Lighting Design) and it has a runtime of almost three-and-a-half hours with two intermissions. The show tells the story of three young Jewish brothers immigrating to the Big Apple in the 1840s, and how they found tremendous success. But those of us living in the modern era associate these brothers (the Lehman brothers) with the 2008 financial crisis. So how did we get from those humble-yet-successful beginnings to triggering one of the largest modern financial crises? I'll be putting my butt in a seat (for longer than I might like) to find out. by Shannon Lubetich

Event Location

ACT - A Contemporary Theatre

700 Union St Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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